Location: Coos Bay, Oregon, United States

Born in 1915,in North Bend, Oregon. I will be 93 years old on Aug 8, 2008. I graduated in 1940 from Colorado School of Mines as a Geologist. My first job out of college was working for an oil cdompany in the swamps out of Morgan City, Louisiana. In December 1940, I was drafted into the U.S. Army as a buck private. My year was almost up, when Pearl Harbor hit. They sent me to Officer Candidate School, where I became an officer at Ft. Belvoir in the Army Engineers., 4 years later, I left the service as a Captain. I then worked for HYumble Oil (Now Exxon-Mibil) in the Houson, Tx. office as a specialist in the study of underground oil and gas reserrves. In 1947 I returned to Coos Bay, Or. spent 19 years in the restaurant business, built a bowling alley, owned 3 service stations and 17 years in the real estate business. I retired at age 65 in 1980. I then got involved with the mining business in gold silver and zinc. Like the old saying, "what goes around, comes around." I started with mining and end up with mining. My wife, Kay and I celebrated our 65th Wedding Anniv. We have 3 fine kids, One girl and two boys.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Grandpa George, ready to blow out his 90 candles.  Posted by Picasa

Grandpa and son Chuck, opening prfesents. Grandpa was 90 and Chuck was 60 years old Posted by Picasa

The five Gebhardt's. The birthday party is over and folks are about ready to go home from our big reunion at Lincoln City, Oregon.  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 14, 2005

George is holding two Sequoia Redwood seedlings, ready to go to the 40 acre tree farm at Lakeside. So far he has planted 10,000 Douglas Firs & 200 Calif. Coastal Redwoods.  Posted by Picasa

A shot of George at 502 Village Pine Cir Coos Bay. The painting to his left is a series of 6 pictures (in a divider) by his Dad, Robert F. Gebhardt Sr.  Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 12, 2005

George & Kay, Marion & Lorraine Frint and Marj Coffman, Simpson Park Aug 9, 2,005. This is Birthday Party No, Three Posted by Picasa

Good Sammers--Claude & Azada Grey, Andy & Gevon Whyte. All good friends. Most of them are great Cribbage Players.  Posted by Picasa

We sold our truck and trailor, so this may be one of our last get togethers with the Good Sam Club. We were members for 18 years.  Posted by Picasa

Marj and Claude Coffman, enjoying a real big barbecue steak. Way to go, Claude.  Posted by Picasa

Party No. 3. At a fine barbeque in Simpson Park, North Bend. George celebrates with his Good Sam Trailer friends.  Posted by Picasa

Same shot, except George the 90 year old birthday boy, sneaked in the front. THIS IS BIRTHDAY PARTY NO. TWO.  Posted by Picasa

At the Bay Area Athletic Club. Bill, Ace, Jessie, in the back, Mary, Nellie and Friends.  Posted by Picasa

Mary our Aqua Size instructor baked a real good Carrot Cake. This is the first shot of my Birthday Nol 2. Today is Aug 8th, 2,005 and the actual date of my birthday.  Posted by Picasa

South side of Sea Lion's Cave. You can take the elevator down to see the live Sea Lions or walk down the hardway. Posted by Picasa

At Sea Lion's Cave. A shot up the Coast from the North side. See the Lighthouse in the fog on the distant hill. Posted by Picasa

Chuck and George look like they are having a great time. Everyone's careful planning made our 3 day family reunion, unforgettable. Posted by Picasa

A great shot of Grandpa George on his 90th. Look at the size of that steak. See the fancy Paree painting in the back and the 90 Balloon Posted by Picasa

The steaks were delicious. They look dark in the picture but the two chefs did them to perfection. What a great meal we had.  Posted by Picasa

Georgie and Chuck had a roaring fire going to barbecue our big thick NY Steaks. They could not move the kettle because it was chained down. Lucky we didn't burn the joint down.  Posted by Picasa

They sold organic garlic, red cabbage, tomatoes and flowers from the organic garden Posted by Picasa

A block N. of our home was this organic garden. Note the large solar panel in the front yard.  Posted by Picasa

This was the front door of our brand new 3 story home the boys rented for 3 days on the corner of 16th st. and Jetty Road Posted by Picasa

Grandpa George on his 90th birthday, holding a dragon head kite. Lincoln City is known as the Kite capitol of America because of its windy beaches.  Posted by Picasa

Georgie in the basement apt. with the German tri-wing style kite. This style plaie was used in WWI by the Germans. Posted by Picasa

Our new residence for 3 days had flowers all over the place. This orchid was in the hall Posted by Picasa